15 February 2015

Tee & Coco's Prayer Challenge!

Hello! I hope your weekend so far has been great! How'd you spend your Valentine's day? Did your significant other do anything special for you? I want to know about it!My Valentines day was pretty busy! But it was good. Really good. Better than most of my past Valentines day actually. God is good. All the time!

So my best friend, Tee, and I decided that we'd do a prayer challenge. Actually it was my idea that I forced her to join in but that's not important! Kidding. Over this week I've realized how POWERFUL prayer is! I was listening to this podcast by Hillsong Church Sydney and  I dont even know how to explain. It was great. Super blessed by that podcast. ANYWAY. So we'll be doing a prayer challenge. Basically intentionally praying for the people around us and committing them to God y'know what I'm saying? 

If you'd like to join us, please feel free! So here's what we'll be praying for over the next couple of days! Don't even ask why it's a random number of days smh.

 I hope your Sunday has been blessed! Just a super casual reminder that you are deeply loved. 

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

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Maira Gall