10 December 2014

This Is Want We Need ... Mercy.

[the title of this post comes from this lovely song}

 I've been feeling really discouraged about all the things that are currently happening in this world. It's kind of a wake up call / reminder that human beings are seriously broken and are in need of God's mercy. It reminds me of Cello from Portland by Beautiful Eulogy. I've been debating whether to address that on the blog or just skip over it and write a light-hearted post, but then I remembered that it's my blog and I can actually do what I want *flips hair*

So yea, we are in need of  God's grace every single millisecond of every day and with the way things are going right now I just don't know. I think a lot of intercessory prayer and just crying out to God to save us from ourselves is needed ASAP. That then reminds me of Satisfied in You by the Sing Team and Psalm 42:11 which says "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."  It's really easy to push out the terrible things that are going on in this world and continue to live our lovely, VSCOcam filtered lives, but I don't think that's what God needs us to do. But that's a whole different post.

I can't really explain the feelings that are currently running through so I'm going to stop there.

In other news, remember this post? Well that new found passion / shop has been put on hold because I don't have a sewing machine and hand-stitching and I aren't quite the best of friends. Like I literally hate hand-stitching. It makes me not enjoy the work that I'm doing. So, once I get a sewing machine [ I REALLY WANT THIS ONE], which are apparently hella expensive in Africa, I'll be able to set up shop.

Have you been feeling burdened and/or downcast with all the horrible things that are happening around the world? It physically hurts my heart to hear of such things. How are you coping? Are there any Bible verses that are helping you get through this?

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. - Psalms 42:1

A Harvest of Blessing - Share the Journey Link Up


  1. Great post. I can get discouraged but then I remember the Lord is in control of all things. I have to remember His promises. And as Christians we need to show Christ to a lost world. There is hope. It is Jesus and He is the only way to salvation. I think of the prophets like Jeremiah and his discouragement but he remembers who God is. I love Psalm 103, 139, and 145.
    But now thus says the Lord, he who created you , O Jacob, he who formed you , O Israel; "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. Isaiah 43:1

    It reminds me to pray that souls will come to know the Lord. It reminds me to be an example and point others to Christ. It reminds me to know I'm His. And It reminds me that I have to rest in His sovereignty.

    Thanks for sharing your heart. Have a great day and sorry for the long post.

  2. Amazing post. It is hard to put into words and it's hard to feel bad in the world. So much easier to live our lives vscocaming it up as you mention, and pretend that what happens around the world doesn't really affect us or matter. But it's a great reminder to allow these events to really penetrate our hearts. To care about them. I've been really discouraged lately not necessarily at world events, but events that have affected people I actually know, and there's been some heartbreaking things. I've even been just personally discouraged about my life in general, without even putting it into perspective in the larger scheme of things. This post is a good reminder to get out of my own way and start seeing the world and those around me as He sees them. Love that verse: "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." I will put my hope in Him!

  3. I like that Isaiah verse a lot as well. I say that to myself a lot! Love that whole chapter, really!

  4. This post has rekindled my hope to be closer to God. Thank you!

  5. Oh my! Your comment literally made my day. I'm so glad you were able to take something away from my rambling/awfully put together words! Thanks for visiting Riley! :)

  6. Thank you so so so so so much for taking the time to leave this comment Ms. Ladonna. I'll definitely have to check out those three psalms. LOVE THAT ISAIAH VERSE AS WELL. Man this part "I have called you by name, you are mine" just ugh. Perfect. Thank you so much for this encouragement and food for though! Have an absolutely lovely lovely day!

  7. Ms. Lindsey, I'm so glad that this rambling of mine could be a reminder of reaching out to people around you! It's so hard to really see the world the way God sees it, but by His strength we can! I think it's really important to not let the Devil steal our joy and continue doing what we've got to do and show Christ in our daily lives. Thank you so much for stopping by! :) Have a lovely and blessing-filled week!


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© Voyageuse Africaine
Maira Gall