25 November 2014

11 Awesome Tips For a Relaxing Night In

Take a warm bath or hot shower //
Even if you don't feel like it, hot showers are the cure for almost anything, just ask my mom. Throw in your favorite bath gel to make things extra sweet.

Try this lip exfoliator //
I tried this yummy lip exfoliator and basically fell in love. It's super simple, and uses only two ingredients: sugar and coconut oil. UGH. YALL. It smells so so good because of the coconut oil and the sugar does an amaazing job of well... exfoliating! Mix the two ingredients [ 1 tbs sugar to 1tsp coconut oil roughly] and rub it on your lips for about 2 minutes! Dont rub to hard though and let it sit for a couple of minutes. You can wipe it off with a warm face towel. Then swipe on your favorite lip balm and TADA. Smooth lips!

Burn some incense //
My favorite is white musk! So good.

Bundle up in your softest, warmest pjs or sweats //
My cheetah print pajama pants are the winners. All day, every day!

Burn some candles //
Because you can!

Pamper your nails //
Apply some coconut oil on your nails! It will make them stronger and coconut oil smells g00d so why naht?

Turn off the tv..and laptop...and phone //
Mhm hm, all three of them. You can do it! Oh did you think I'd forget the iPad.. yea turn it off too!

Read a book you've been putting off //
I love reading myself to sleep, but nowadays I'm like.. what even is a book? So bad.

Spend some time journaling or drawing //
I used to write in my diary every night... when I was in middle school! I barely do that anymore but once in a while it's nice to just write it all out. Also my best ideas for blogging come up when I'm relaxing in bed and journaling/drawing.

Make yourself some chamomile tea //
Yall. Sweet Chamomile tea is the winner. All day! It has no caffeine and is super relaxing!

Play some chill music in the background //
Open up 8tracks/SoundCloud/Pandora etc. and play your chill music playlist. This could be some classical music or some nice indie vibes. But keep your laptop out of reach once the music is playing. Its tempting to open up Pinterest I know.

I'm such a homebody, but I rarely have a "relaxing" night in! The usual scenario is me scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Bloglovin while watching Disney Channel and the Food Network. All of a sudden its midnight and nothing has been accomplished. Awks.

So treat yourself to a relaxing night in one of these days cuz hey, you deserve it!

Let me know if you try any of these :D

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A Heart for Missions // Meet Adora {A Guest Post}
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Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. -Psalms 42:11


  1. Love all of these ideas, and Hahaha! Totally love that one of your time wasters is the Disney Channel! Like fo real. I wish I had cable, because that channel surely would be on!

  2. Great tips! I needed this! I am obsessed with coconut oil!

  3. Some beauty treatments are definitely fun for evenings spent alone at home! :) I love painting my nails with a show on in the background.

  4. Disney Channel is sadly where the party is at in my house! Hahah thanks for stopping by Ms. Lindsey! :D

  5. I don't know if this is weird or nah, but I reaaally like smelling coconut oil and just taking it all in, like WHY does it insist on smelling so good?

  6. I love painting my nails, but I'm such a perfectionist with painting nails that I remove the nail polish if it isn't perfect! :( And to add onto that I'm impatient with the drying process uuughh

  7. anotherteenontheweb27 November 2014 at 20:37

    This is such an amazing blog post I struggle to go to bed at nights so I can relate to this. Please check out my blog and follow if you like it xx


  8. Thank you! I'll check it out :D

  9. I honestly cant even love coconut oil enough! And peppermint tea sounds so yummy! Thanks for stopping by Rachel! :D


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Maira Gall